Friday, January 13, 2006

Blogging from a marketer's perspective

Which came first? The need to blog or the technology to support blogging? From a marketer's perspective, products and services are developed to meet customers' needs and wants. From a technologist perspective, technology advances can prove solutions to needs and wants we may not even know we have.

Countless nostalgic articles have been written about how the times have changed over the past several decades. It has been said that half of all knowledge known to humankind today has been discovered, developed, or created within the past 100 years. Given that pace, is technology opening doors for new products and services? Are our needs and wants changing? When does leading edge become bleeding edge?

In the case of blogging, the more prolific of us have always been predisposed to putting thoughts on paper. In private, these became diaries. If published, they became memoirs.

But blogging differs significantly (in my opinion) from journaling and writing a diary because of the mere fact that it's public. Sharing private thoughts in a public fashion? Seems like an oxymoron. So why the appeal? Who benefits? Do blogs contribute to the public domain of knowledge or are they insights into personal thoughts and opinions now given a public platform via technology?

Perhaps of most interest to me is this question: how can blogs be used most effectively to facilitate learning?

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